Thursday 19 November 2009

An e-mail from Mr Dave Trott

I done it. I bit the bullet and threw myself of the ledge into the abyss that is the world of Dave Trott. Or I just sent him a e-mail. It could be put that way. Yes I sent him a lovely little email but I didn't do my ground work tut tut. The thinking was as follows; e-mail Dave (hope he doesn't mind me calling him that) and challenge him to a game of squash but not any game of squash oh no. There was a proposition involved which went with the conditions of, if I beat him he has to give me and my creative partner (the lovely Sarah) an book crit. If I were to lose then I will pack my bags with advertising and be on my way to being my next best dream. A goat herder. Send.

4 days later I receive a reply! I was more overwhelmed with reply that I nearly forgot to actually read the e-mail. After a few moments I got it together and read it,

Hi Joe,

I haven’t played squash in decades

But one of our senior writers here, Rob DeCleyn, does.

So I’ve forwarded your email to him and we’ll see if he takes you up on it.


To be absolutely honest with you I really didn't and still don't know how to take it. I got rejected but instead he gave me one of his senior writers! Can I argue with that. Nope.

So we're off to see him next Thursday for a book crit. Big, big opportunity. I'm still gonna keep trying to get a cheeky book crit with the man himself though.

1 comment:

Leanne Leveaux said...

haha this is ace!
Go Joe!