Saturday 12 December 2009

Where did all the eagles go?

This is a bit of an observation I've of recent. The symbol of a eagle is used a hell of a lot. It was featured on all flags, correspondence and stationery of that popular little Mr Hitler or as he might have been known to others as Mein Fuhrer. I think he is referred to now as 'that nutty german bloke', as my history teacher once pointed out to me. I digress, the symbol of a eagle spreading its wings is still very popular. Barclays Bank use a very similar image but just colored in blue. Maybe Mr Hitler owns the banks. I'm sure sometimes we fell he does. Even America have taken on this beautiful bird of prey as a symbol for all their views and beliefs.

All this is fine a dandy but wait I'm really concerned with is the point of view of all the eagles that are having there entire image ripped off for the sake, and lets be quite honest, of dictators. Hitler, America, and the banks. I would have thought that the poor eagle has worked hard for his reputation and image, only to be destroyed by dictators. If i were an eagle I would start trowing a few chairs around. What the eagle will really end up doing though is taking over Europe making him a economic superpower and then lend all the money to people with crap credit ratings or as some have coined it, AAA debt.

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