Tuesday 16 December 2008

A few words

If you don't have any worries there is nothing that can hold you back.
You could do anything that you wanted to do.
Stand up and be counted, not just for the people around you but yourself.
To go out and get what ever it is that you want to do.
Throw down your hair and fucking get to grips with life.
Be who you have always wanted to be.
Live how you want to live.
If you are still reading this you have just made a choice.
Thats what life is about.
Choices are the bane of our existence.
Some bigger than others.
Its your job to start making good ones productively.
Your life, your rules.
Don't let anyone hold you back. 
You are who you are because of you.
Don't ever let any tell you otherwise.
Not even you own subconscious thought.
Be your own hero, be your own saviour.

Be your own puppet master.

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