Saturday 12 December 2009

Where did all the eagles go?

This is a bit of an observation I've of recent. The symbol of a eagle is used a hell of a lot. It was featured on all flags, correspondence and stationery of that popular little Mr Hitler or as he might have been known to others as Mein Fuhrer. I think he is referred to now as 'that nutty german bloke', as my history teacher once pointed out to me. I digress, the symbol of a eagle spreading its wings is still very popular. Barclays Bank use a very similar image but just colored in blue. Maybe Mr Hitler owns the banks. I'm sure sometimes we fell he does. Even America have taken on this beautiful bird of prey as a symbol for all their views and beliefs.

All this is fine a dandy but wait I'm really concerned with is the point of view of all the eagles that are having there entire image ripped off for the sake, and lets be quite honest, of dictators. Hitler, America, and the banks. I would have thought that the poor eagle has worked hard for his reputation and image, only to be destroyed by dictators. If i were an eagle I would start trowing a few chairs around. What the eagle will really end up doing though is taking over Europe making him a economic superpower and then lend all the money to people with crap credit ratings or as some have coined it, AAA debt.

Thursday 19 November 2009

An e-mail from Mr Dave Trott

I done it. I bit the bullet and threw myself of the ledge into the abyss that is the world of Dave Trott. Or I just sent him a e-mail. It could be put that way. Yes I sent him a lovely little email but I didn't do my ground work tut tut. The thinking was as follows; e-mail Dave (hope he doesn't mind me calling him that) and challenge him to a game of squash but not any game of squash oh no. There was a proposition involved which went with the conditions of, if I beat him he has to give me and my creative partner (the lovely Sarah) an book crit. If I were to lose then I will pack my bags with advertising and be on my way to being my next best dream. A goat herder. Send.

4 days later I receive a reply! I was more overwhelmed with reply that I nearly forgot to actually read the e-mail. After a few moments I got it together and read it,

Hi Joe,

I haven’t played squash in decades

But one of our senior writers here, Rob DeCleyn, does.

So I’ve forwarded your email to him and we’ll see if he takes you up on it.


To be absolutely honest with you I really didn't and still don't know how to take it. I got rejected but instead he gave me one of his senior writers! Can I argue with that. Nope.

So we're off to see him next Thursday for a book crit. Big, big opportunity. I'm still gonna keep trying to get a cheeky book crit with the man himself though.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Been a while but I haven't been wasting my time

It's bee a while since I last put something up so I decided to start it off by mentioning a website that my brother and I are working on. Just a little web space for me and him to post up our work and thoughts. Just seeing where it goes. One thing I have learnt is that I know diddly squit about how to make websites so this may take some time. we have however come up with a general feel for it. Heres the logo. let us know what you think.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

I don't even have a reason to to put this up. Nope not one. 

Proof that Its all relative.

Just another one of life conundrums. When do we stop making up philosophical jargon and do half the things we say we should do.

Monday 20 April 2009

Just what the doctor ordered

I was stuck in a rut so i decided to be spontaneous and random. Turns out it was for the best.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

prime minister please...?

As you do sitting there one day getting lost in my own thoughts and I somehow got onto the subject of who would suit the next role as prime minister? Then it hit me, Jose Murhino why the hell not. I'm taking that one to downing. end.

Monday 26 January 2009

A little pick me up for every who watches.

He is a little pick me up for whoever wishes to watch. It was a project at uni and the brief was 'how would you make the world a better place'. So to be honest, to make the world a better place we would probably have to eradicate ourselves of the face of the earth but that was to extreme to present. Plus who the hell would we be presenting to. We just decided to have a little fun through the medium of dancey-chancy (just made that up). 

Friday 23 January 2009

Parallel dimensions

As ever in history and in the foreseeable future we are on the edge of technology forever moving forward in everything we can do. Technological advances are and always have been that sense of progress within humanity. The thing is we can only feel that we are progressing because we can remember the past, we take satisfaction in the fact that we have come from A to B and satisfaction is based of the past what has happened. Now the future is a whole new kettle of fish. This is what drives us to build the technology, the unknowing, the unexplored and the scary. This, to me is the fun side. This is where you can pretty make up the future based on the past. Take for instance AI (Artificial Intelligence). Its been about for a while but the general consensus is that AI is a man made electrical 'brain'. It is hoped in the future that it will be so advanced that computers will have human emotions, feelings, reactions, and motives. This always got me thinking.

If we ever get to a stage in our existence where the AI is so life like that they could be considered human themselves, then how did we get here. The big bang is one theory and religion has its own but what if there has always been AI so good you cant tell the difference. What if we were living the AI life. What if we have already been created by some other being that has created AI so unrecognizable to its own existence. It would be doing the exact same thing that we are trying to do now except it has already done it and onto something else far more advanced. We would never know, ever. How much agro would that cause within the world nay the universe. It would all be a lie, a big fat lie. You would have to re-write everything, religion, science. What if we were a pet sitting on someone's mantle piece or whatever they would call it. It would put everything in perspective wouldn't it. There you go I've just solved the mystery of life, we are AI. So come join us. Just a thought. 

Tuesday 16 December 2008

A few words

If you don't have any worries there is nothing that can hold you back.
You could do anything that you wanted to do.
Stand up and be counted, not just for the people around you but yourself.
To go out and get what ever it is that you want to do.
Throw down your hair and fucking get to grips with life.
Be who you have always wanted to be.
Live how you want to live.
If you are still reading this you have just made a choice.
Thats what life is about.
Choices are the bane of our existence.
Some bigger than others.
Its your job to start making good ones productively.
Your life, your rules.
Don't let anyone hold you back. 
You are who you are because of you.
Don't ever let any tell you otherwise.
Not even you own subconscious thought.
Be your own hero, be your own saviour.

Be your own puppet master.